7. Configuring a Team Environment

This section outlines the installation and configuration of Cyber Triage® Team, which is a client-server deployment with one server and one or more clients. Only one instance of Cyber Triage® can run on a system at a time, so this means you will need at least two computers.

7.1. Architecture

There are three components of a Cyber Triage® Team cluster:

  • Cyber Triage® Server: Where the processing and analysis occurs. This contains the REST API used by clients and other integrations.

  • Cyber Triage® Clients: Runs on examiner systems and interacts with the Cyber Triage® Server.

  • Database: Where the collected data is stored. There are a few options for this:
    • SQLite databases on the same host as the Cyber Triage® Server

    • PostgreSQL server running on the same host as the Cyber Triage® Server

    • PostgreSQL server on its own dedicated host


Cyber Triage® Team cluster

There are several factors to take into account when deciding where the database should reside:

  • SQLite: This is the easiest to deploy (it is all embedded), but will be more limited with respect to performance when datasets get large. It is certainly sufficient for evaluation purposes though or small investigations. There is no data migration path from SQLite to PostgreSQL.

  • PostgreSQL on the same host as the Cyber Triage® Server: This minimizes the number of hosts to maintain, but is not always optimal based on other applications and because PostgreSQL is faster on Linux.

  • PostgreSQL on its own host: This gives you flexibility to optimize the environment, but may not be needed for average case sizes. You can also use managed PostgreSQL services from cloud providers if you are running in the cloud. The Cyber Triage website has several blog posts about which services worked best.

7.1.1. Testing PostgreSQL Speed

When choosing between running PostgreSQL on its own server versus running alongside Cyber Triage®, you can measure the PostgreSQL performance using pgbench. We have found this is much more reliable than focusing on hardware specs. We recommend that your PostgreSQL installation is able to get at least 4250 transactions per second (TPS).

You can start by installing PostgreSQL on the same server as Cyber Triage® (as outlined below). You can then use the following commands to measure the TPS. If they are too slow, then you can consider setting up a dedicated server.

  1. Setup the test by running the following. It will prompt you for the superuser password you entered during the installation.
    C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\13\bin\pgbench -U postgres -i -s 50 postgres
  2. Run the test:
    C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\13\bin\pgbench -U postgres -c 5 -j 2 -t 1000 postgres


The final values may change in between runs, so you might want to run it a few times.

7.2. Team Software Requirements

  • Cyber Triage MSI installer.

  • PsExec 2.2 (or newer) if you want to push the collection tool to remote hosts over the network.

  • PostgreSQL 13 if you are going to use PostgreSQL instead of SQLite

7.3. Team Hardware Requirements

  • Team Server: 64-bit version of Windows Server 2012 or newer, 16GB+ of RAM, 4+ cores, and 250GB+ of free hard drive space.

  • Team Client: 64-bit version of Windows 7 or newer, 8GB+ of RAM, 4+ cores, and 50GB+ of free hard drive space.

  • Optional Separate PostgreSQL Server: 16GB+ of RAM, 4+ cores, and 250GB+ of free hard drive space. Either Linux or Windows.

We recommend using SSD storage for best performance.

7.4. Team Network Requirements

7.4.1. Inbound Network Ports on Server

The Team server opens several ports for communication with clients and target systems. Not all ports are always listening. Port 443, by default, is configured to open only when certain types of collections are happening.


These ports are represented in various tables below.

Listening Ports on Cyber Triage Server



Usage (Inbound from)



The Collection Tool and clients connect to the server over this port to upload data.



REST API clients use this to retrieve data and initiate collections.



ActiveMQ service that keeps clients updated by sending messages.

You can change the 443 port in the Options panel. See Changing Port Number.

It is possible, but not typical, to change the REST API and Active MQ ports.

  • Open up %appdata%\cybertriage\config\config.yml on the Cyber Triage® Server machine

  • Edit the port number for restApiPort or activeMQPort and save the file

  • Follow the same process to update the port on each of the Cyber Triage® client machines.

7.4.2. Inbound Network Ports on PostgreSQL Server

The Cyber Triage Server will need to communicate with the PostgreSQL installation. If you installed PostgreSQL on a system other than the server, then you’ll need to make sure they can communicate.

Default PostgreSQL Port



Usage (Inbound from)



Default port PostgreSQL server listens on

7.4.3. Other Network Ports

Refer to the following sections for additional network port details:

7.5. Installing and Configuring PostgreSQL

If you are going to use PostgreSQL, then the following sections outline its installation and configuration on Windows.

7.5.1. PostgreSQL Installation

PostgreSQL can be installed in a variety of ways, including with installers, package managers, or containers such as Docker.
The easiest method for most Cyber Triage® users will be to use a PostgreSQL windows installer and choose the default settings. You do not need to use StackBuilder if it prompts you to.


  • Data Folder: The default is inside of the PostgreSQL installation folder.

  • Superuser Password: You’ll need this to configure the database.

At the end of the Windows installer process, PostgreSQL will be running as a service as the Network Service account.

If you wanted to test the PostgreSQL speed as outlined in Testing PostgreSQL Speed, you can do that now before doing further configuration.

7.5.2. PostgreSQL Configuration

There are several settings that must be changed from the default installation. After you have made these changes, you should reboot the system for them to all take effect. Create Database User

A special user will need to be created for the Cyber Triage® Server to access the database. We’ll use the name cyber_triage.

  1. From a Windows Command Prompt run:

    C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\13\bin\psql -U postgres postgres
  2. You will be prompted for the superuser password you entered during the installation.

  3. You will next get a postgres=# prompt. To create the user enter the following code below and replace ChangeMeASAP with a real password.
    Ensure you record the password because you will need to enter it into the Cyber Triage® server.

  4. Type \q to exit prompt. Basic Configuration Changes

There are several settings that we suggest making to improve performance and enable logging to make debugging problems easier.


These are all oriented around a Windows installation and a Linux deployment have other settings that will make it more optimal.

Open the following file in a text editor:

C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\13\data\postgresql.conf

The following settings should be changed or uncommented (by removing the leading #):

  • Edit the maximum number of connections:
    max_connections = 200
  • Increase the value of the buffer setting:
    shared_buffers = 512MB
  • Enable huge_pages by uncommenting this line:
    huge_pages = try
  • Uncomment the following performance-oriented lines and change the default values:
    temp_buffers = 80MB
    shared_memory_type = windows
    fsync = off
    synchronous_commit = off
  • Uncomment and change the effective cache size based on the amount of RAM available. We recommend the value be 50% of the total RAM.

    effective_cache_size = 16GB
  • Uncomment the following log-oriented lines and change the default values:
    log_min_duration_statement = 300
    log_lock_waits = on

This file also allows you to restrict access to the database from other hosts.

  • If PostgreSQL is on the same host as the Cyber Triage® server, then edit the listen_address line to the following:
    listen_addresses = 'localhost'
  • If PostgreSQL is on a different host, then confirm that the line is:
    listen_addresses = '*' Windows Service Settings

If you are running PostgreSQL on a Windows system, we recommend that you also enable the Lock Pages in Memory setting for the Windows user that the service will be running as. By default, this is the Network Service account.

  1. Open the Local Group Policy Editor

  2. Navigate to Local Computer Policy -> Windows Settings -> Security Settings -> Local Policies -> User Rights Assignment

  3. Select the Local pages in memory item and double click on it.


Local Group Policy Editor

  1. Add the user that the PostgreSQL service will be running as (i.e. Network Service) Dedicated PostgreSQL Server Changes

If you are running PostgreSQL Server on a system different from the Cyber Triage® server, you’ll need to make an additional change.

Open the following in a text editor:

C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\13\data\pg_hba.conf

Add a rule to the bottom similar to:

host all cyber_triage scram-sha-256

Update the above rule based on:

  • IP Address of the Cyber Triage® Server

  • The password_encryption value in the postgresql.conf file. Restart The Host

After all the above configuration changes, restart the computer so that the service and database settings take effect.

7.6. Configuring The Cyber Triage Server

The Cyber Triage® server will need to be running whenever you want to use any of the Cyber Triage® clients to create or open sessions. It will be receiving the network connections from the various collection tools and will be performing all of the automated analysis.

The installation steps for the server (and client) start the same way as the standard version, which are outlined in Standard Installation. Namely, to launch the .msi installer and choose the default options.

When prompted for a license, choose the license file that you received that has _server in the name.

When Cyber Triage® is open:

  1. Open the Options panel and choose the Deployment Mode tab. Change the mode to Team - Server. If you do not have this option, then you did not supply a Team license key.


Options (Deployment Mode Tab)

  1. In the Server Password section, press the Change Password button and pick a password that clients will use to connect to the server. You will need the new password when you configure each client, so write it down somewhere safe or make sure you remember it.

  2. In the Database Setting section, either keep it as SQLite or enter in the PostgreSQL information by pressing the View Database Settings button. Use localhost as the host if you are running the server on the same system as the server.


PostgreSQL Database Settings

  1. Press OK and it will restart Cyber Triage®.

  2. When it restarts, your host firewall software may ask permission to open ports. These are required for the server to operate.

  3. After it restarts, the Cyber Triage® interface will only allow you to go to the options panel or extract the collection tool. You cannot create or open sessions directly on the server.

7.7. Configuring the Cyber Triage Clients

Cyber Triage® clients can be installed on any analysis system. The responder will use the client to create and open sessions.

To configure each Cyber Triage® client:

  1. Install Cyber Triage® using the same MSI as you used for the Server.

  2. Supply the same appropriate client license key.

  3. Open the Options panel using the button in the upper right and choose the Deployment Mode tab.

  4. Choose Team - Client.

    Options (Deployment Mode Tab)

  5. Enter the hostname or IP address of the server and the Server Password that you configured on the Server. Press the Test Connection button to ensure that the client can connect to the Server.

  6. Press OK and Cyber Triage® will restart.

7.8. Team General Information

This section outlines general information for using Cyber Triage® Team:

  • Any client can open any session, even if it did not create the session.

  • Some functionality is currently more limited in a client-server deployment, such as the ability to cancel collections and malware analysis.

7.9. Team REST API SSL Certificate

The Team Server will have a REST API on port 9443 that you can use to integrate Cyber Triage® with your SIEM or orchestration system. By default, it will use a self-signed certificate, but you can also use your own instead.

Send an email to support@cybertriage.com for instructions.

7.10. Configuring the Server to Run as a Service

You can also run the Team Server as a Windows service, which ensures that it runs when the computer starts and does not require a user to be always logged in.

7.10.1. Limitations

  • You need to run the service as a user account because the user must login to configure the Server.

  • To make changes to the Server, you will need to stop the service, launch Cyber Triage® as a user to make changes via the Options panel, close Cyber Triage®, and then start the service back up again.

7.10.2. Service Installation Instructions

  1. Stop any existing Cyber Triage® services by opening a command prompt (with Admin priveledges) and running:
    <Previous_CT_Location>\cybertriage\service\svcmgr.bat uninstall
  2. Install and configure the Server using the steps outlined in Configuring The Cyber Triage Server. Also configure settings such as NSRL and Yara.

  3. After the server is configured, close the application. Ensure that you do the configuration while logged in under the account that the service will run as. Otherwise, the configuration settings will not be available to the service.

  4. In a Admin command prompt, change to the new Cyber Triage® folder
    cd C:\Program Files\Cyber Triage-3.0.0\cybertriage\service
  5. Install the service by running:
    svcmgr.bat install
  6. Launch the Cyber Triage® Service Manager from the command prompt by typing:
  7. Configure the user account via the Windows Service Manager after CyberTriageService.exe has created the service. This should be the same user account that was used to configure Cyber Triage®.

    Team Server Log On Screen

  8. Press Apply.

  9. Either restart the server so that the service starts or press Start on the General Tab.

7.10.3. Verifying The Service

You can get basic status of the service by pointing a web browser at: https://SERVER_HOST_NAME:9443/api/admin/service-status

7.10.4. Making Changes to Service

To make configuration changes, you will need to stop the service, launch Cyber Triage®, make your changes, close the application, and then start the service again.